What are the most critical aspects of the graphic look?

As UKKO.fi’s graphic designer, I want to give our users the tools to create and maintain an easy but effective visual look. I recommend reading the text I wrote in its entirety and choosing a few points that are most natural for you to implement. Even small changes work wonders, and when you notice that your company’s look is developing, you can come back here if you want to look for the next areas of development.

In this text I discuss the following topics:

  1. What does your graphic expression say about you?
  2. What are the most critical aspects of the graphic look?
  3. Practical instructions for creating and developing a look
  4. Effective ways to achieve the look

What does your graphic expression say about you?

Your graphic appearance is often the first thing your potential customer encounters. Whether it’s your website, a business card passed on to them, or  Belize Phone Number Listeven one of your advertising materials. And just like with people, so too when evaluating companies, the first impression is extremely important. Because of this, companies that require a lot of trust, such as banks, are clean and well-maintained from the outside.

Because who would trust their money to a bank overflowing with trash and holes in the windows? In the same way, you hope to get as many customers as possible to trust you with their money, because that’s what trading is all about after all.

Another extremely important task that a well-designed look takes care of is recognition.

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Let’s say you own a hair salon downtown, and your customer goes home very satisfied. He would like to recommend you to a friend, but can’t remember  Mailing Lead the name of your company. There are other hair salons in the vicinity of your company, so the instruction to walk to the hair salon in the center does not help. But if your client remembers that there were, for example, big blue flowers on the facade of your hair salon, then the recommendation is really easy. The same thing would also be done with advertising material given to the customer, such as a pen, business card or discount coupon.

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