8 Platforms to create a free blog or a free website

8 Platforms to create a free blog or a free website. Nowadays there are many platforms to create a free blog or make a free website in a few minutes, but we always get the eternal question, which one should I choose? Having a Blog is almost an essential requirement of our 2.0 curriculum, and it can open the doors to new or better professional proposals. Although it may seem incredible. we only need 12 months to go from being a totally unknown person to being a popular and relevant person in our sector.

Types of free blogs you can create

First of all I would like to explain to you the different types of blogs that exist so that you take them into account. This step is essential and is something that few people take into account when starting their blogging journey. You must know for email contact list  what purpose you want to create your blog. Depending on your objective, the content strategy for a blog varies in all its phases. So, first of all, think about what purpose you want to do it for.

Advantages of creating a free blog

If you are still thinking about whether opening a free blog is a good or bad option, I am going to tell you the advantages that I think you could benefit from. 1. It’s free. Obviously, the main advantage is that you will be able to create a blog on the internet completely free. Without costing you a euro. 2. Configuration is very simple. If you have read the beginning of the article you will have seen that it is not very complex, anyone can do it so you do not need any type of Mailing Lead knowledge. 3. You will learn day by day. The fact of having to write articles will make us consult different sources of information to validate data and with this we will be in continuous training.

What is a Blogger

Surely my father must have asked this question a million times when I told him I wanted to be a blogger, because the truth is that it is difficult to define what a blogger is, perhaps a professional who loves reading, writing and personal growth and professional. Actually a large number of professionals who start in the world of blogging do it out of passion or hobby, since not everyone who begins this journey does so from a professional perspective or as a tool or means to achieve a series of objectives.

Why does a blogger need marketing

The reason is very simple, marketing helps us connect and create relationships with other people, it helps us go further and to more corners, they are wings that allow you to cross physical barriers. On the other hand, you need to know the game rules of the different channels in order to play with your best cards. There are those who think that a blogger spends almost all their time email leads writing and that is not the case, it is as important to write as to communicate what you write, for which you must define a content strategy for your blog and design an editorial calendar.

What is a tactical plan for a Blogger

If you think that a tactical plan is to create an editorial calendar for a blog, you are very wrong. If you think that organizing the topics to publish is a guarantee that your blog will work, you are also very wrong. An essential phase in any marketing strategy is to define a tactical plan, which is to define a project plan Mailing Lead  with all the actions that you are going to carry out in each of the areas, both those of blogging itself and those that are related to other strategies such as those of SEO, Social Media or Personal Brand, for example.

8 Best Tools to analyze and know the visits of a foreign website

8 Best Tools to analyze and know the visits of a foreign website. An important aspect in any online marketing strategy is to analyze our competition and one of the keys is to know the visits to a website. Not with the aim of copying or emulating the strategy they are doing, but because we need to make ourselves visible and create strong relationships with other Digital Marketing Blogs in our sector, which help us make ourselves known and, in the process, attract visitors to our website. or Blog . It is for this reason that I thought it would be good to make a compilation of the best tools to analyze the visits of a website or blog.


It is undoubtedly one of my tools to know how many visits a favorite website has, since for free we can access very complete data on web traffic that tells us: Total visits. Of course, if the page you are analyzing is in the USA you can trust the data it offers us very well, but if you are in Spain, I recommend that you divide it in half, and it will surely top people data be a data that is closer to the real thing. Graph of the evolution of traffic in the last 6 months. Page views per user. Average visit time. Bounce Rate. Channels from which web traffic comes.


An undervalued tool with enormous potential in its paid version and with excellent data also in its free version. Of course, I have to tell you that before with its free version we could extract more information than now and although we cannot know the visits of a foreign website, it does give us a “degree of popularity” That allows us to know how that website is evolving in its sector. In top people data addition, we can also know: Know where visits to the website come from, that is, their geographical origin. Analyze the bounce rate. View the number of page views per user. The average residence time.

How to create a simple Work Plan step by step

How to create a simple Work Plan step by step. I don’t know if the term work plan is familiar to you. Therefore, but if you have any type of business, are in sales or are part of the academic field, you will know that organization is key. This is where this term comes into play. Therefore,  because a work plan is the scheme that will allow us to establish the tasks and define who should do them and when . No matter the size of your company and what you invoice. You must have a work program to be able to effectively measure the actions carried out.

What is the work program about

Normally, when we do any type of report, whether it is an executive summary or a business plan, etc. An introduction must be made that expresses in a simple way what the work plan consists of . Think that your program must be understandable by anyone who is part of the organization, so you must write some background email database information that places it in context. Some tips for writing the introduction: Clear and brief things are worth two. You have to make it clear what your goal is with this plan and express the reasons why you created it . What are you trying to solve? In addition to indicating the reasons why you have decided to create the program, you must also indicate the main problems you intend to solve .

What are your goals and objectives

Goals and objectives should be the compass that guides your plan and should reflect what you hope to achieve with it. Of course, the first thing of all is that you are clear about the main differences Mailing Lead  between goals and objectives. Goals are usually stated in a broader sense. That is, what we long to achieve in the future. For example, a goal could be: “to surpass the competition in sales.” That is the desired state where we want to be. While objectives try to divide that main goal into parts that will allow us to achieve and measure whether we have achieved that goal.

Free Training 4 Keys to living from a Blog

Free Training 4 Keys to living from a Blog. If you have a blog and would like to learn the techniques to make yourself known, work and position your brand and make a living from a blog, let me tell you that I want to give you good news, since in just one week we will begin a totally free training where You will learn week by week and during 4 webinars, 4 fundamental aspects that you have to work on in your project so that you achieve that goal, and you can definitely make a living from your blog.

How to create a content strategy that BOOSTS your visibility and authority

In this webinar I am going to teach you how to design a roadmap or strategy. Therefore, that helps you boost your brand positioning and the visibility of your project. Therefore, with the aim of achieving your conversion goals. Designing this roadmap is key to the Success or Failure of a blog. Therefore, it is very important that you learn how you should design your strategy. Do you want to learn job function email list how to design the project roadmap. The BASE of any project. How to do a keyword study step by step. Carrying out a good keyword study is essential when it comes to increasing our visibility and qualified traffic in the Google search engine.

How to make ads on Facebook to MULTIPLY your subscriber list

Getting a list of qualified leads is essential to achieving sales through your Internet project. So don’t miss this very interesting and super practical webinar where it will teach you how to create effective ads in Facebook Ads. Are you still not attracting qualified leads for your project on the Internet. If you have a blog and you are not getting the expected results or if you plan to create a Mailing Lead  blog in the coming months. Sign up for this Free webinar and give your Internet project a good boost. Learn with this free training the techniques and keys to how to make a living from a blog .