8 Best Tools to analyze and know the visits of a foreign website

8 Best Tools to analyze and know the visits of a foreign website. An important aspect in any online marketing strategy is to analyze our competition and one of the keys is to know the visits to a website. Not with the aim of copying or emulating the strategy they are doing, but because we need to make ourselves visible and create strong relationships with other Digital Marketing Blogs in our sector, which help us make ourselves known and, in the process, attract visitors to our website. or Blog . It is for this reason that I thought it would be good to make a compilation of the best tools to analyze the visits of a website or blog.


It is undoubtedly one of my tools to know how many visits a favorite website has, since for free we can access very complete data on web traffic that tells us: Total visits. Of course, if the page you are analyzing is in the USA you can trust the data it offers us very well, but if you are in Spain, I recommend that you divide it in half, and it will surely top people data be a data that is closer to the real thing. Graph of the evolution of traffic in the last 6 months. Page views per user. Average visit time. Bounce Rate. Channels from which web traffic comes.


An undervalued tool with enormous potential in its paid version and with excellent data also in its free version. Of course, I have to tell you that before with its free version we could extract more information than now and although we cannot know the visits of a foreign website, it does give us a “degree of popularity” That allows us to know how that website is evolving in its sector. In top people data addition, we can also know: Know where visits to the website come from, that is, their geographical origin. Analyze the bounce rate. View the number of page views per user. The average residence time.