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It turns out that this requires a series of modifications that could be  if SEO were part of the page building process from the beginning.

Now, let’s learn the fundamentals and essential elements to create an attractive website for both the persona and search engines.

1. Create a smart (and simple) site structure

When we go to the supermarket, we find signs saying Fruits and Vegetables, Drinks, Frozen, Hygiene, among others. If we go to the Hygiene section, for example, we will see the products separated by Deodorant, Soap, Toothpaste, Shampoo, and so on.

It can be said that a website is  in a similar way.

We separate products or content into categories and subcategories while following a hierarchy. They are available in menus so that the user can browse according to what they are looking for.

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In other words, use the departmental signs at the supermarket as a guide to design site navigation, where the store’s division into sections and subsections — and the choice of their respective names — is equivalent to the structure of a website.

Let’s use Amazon as an example.

There is a global navigation menu, with options how to buy bulk phone numbers related to shopping (Stores), Your Account, and Daily Deals. Within the Stores menu, if we go to Books, we see more subcategories (All Books, Books on Sale, Best Sellers, and others).

When we click on All Books, we are directed to a specific page, with offers and a local menu, where the user can access the titles by genre, author, or publisher.

Build a layout that favors the content

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It is already well-known that SEO content quality is one of the most important factors for Google’s algorithm. So, value the information that your site has to offer.

Keep in mind that, on the Web, we compete for the user’s attention, who probably has several other tabs open in addition to your page.

In this context, where each visit to your site can be Mailing Lead considered a victory, we must focus on the content and not create additional distractions.

Therefore, always think about helping the reader to find what they want by balancing text, visual elements, and blanks so as not to neglect the content.

A responsive design — having the ability to adapt to the screen size of the user’s device — is indispensable, especially with the growing use of mobile internet in the world.